The main phone number for referring veterinarians is (352) 392-2229.
As a referral hospital, our goal is to work with our referring veterinarians as partners in the care of our mutual patients. The key to that relationship is providing direct access to our clinicians and key staff.
During business hours (Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.), your call will be answered by a staff member who will connect you with the clinician or service you request. After hours emergency calls will be handled by our answering service that will immediately connect you with the clinicians on call.
referring veterinarians resource
Access rVetLink
rVetLink is the referring veterinarian’s online portal to access patient records.
referring veterinarians resource
Clinic Brochures and Magnet Requests
Is your clinic in need of UF Veterinary Hospitals brochures and/or magnets? Click below to fill out a request form and we will send these to you as soon as we can!
Referring veterinarians resource
Clinical Trials
The University of Florida Small Animal Hospital and Large Animal Hospital offer clinical studies for dogs, cats, other small animals and large animals to determine efficacy and safety for future treatments, therapies, and diagnostic tools.