Posts tagged as

Horse Colic

Success Story: Grace’s Colic

Coming home to find your horse down and in pain is a worst nightmare for any horse owner. Read Dawn Cucinotta’s story about Grace’s life-saving colic surgery at UF.

Success Story: A Friesian Colic

A bout with colic took Watse, a 600-kg Fresian, out of the ring for more than nine months. Click to read the story of the emergency surgery that saved Watse’s life.

Horse owner alert: Cribbing and Colic

The UF Large Animal Surgery Service is informing horse owners about the dangers of cribbing, a stable vice that can lead to epiploic foramen entrapment, a type of colic that can cause death if not treated promptly by surgery.

Horse Owner Alert: Dangers with round bale netting

Recently, two horses from the same farm came to the UF Large Animal Hospital about two days apart showing the same clinical signs of colic. Both horses had surgery at the UF Large Animal Hospital and each had an identical hard impaction in the large colon.

Success Story of the Month: Emergency Colic Surgery

Colic can be difficult to prevent, but when Adrienne Hudson’s Arabian, Ruby, began showing clinical signs of colic, Hudson was prepared and knew exactly what to do. Read Ruby’s story of her bout with colic that led to an emergency visit to the UF Large Animal Hospital.

Does my horse need psyllium or a supplement if I feed him good-quality hay?

We might not have a good answer for every situation. The reason is that certain horses might be at greater risk than others because they are less discriminating eaters than other horses or have an underlying digestive disorder that predisposes them to impactions. The other important issue is sand access.

University of Florida


As part of both the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences and UF Health, Veterinary Medicine is dedicated to advancing animal, human and environmental health through teaching, research, extension and patient care.

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University of Florida

Animal Hospitals

Need animal care? Visit the UF Small Animal and Large Animal Hospitals. From dogs, cats, birds and exotics to horses, cattle, llamas, pigs and many other large farm or food animals, our experienced veterinary staff is ready to assist.


Syndicated Podcast

Animal Airwaves

Animal Airwaves is a daily radio series that features one-minute segments relating to animal health, ranging from insights into animal behavior to veterinary patient care breakthroughs and trends.
